Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds is the first game where it features two announcers, where the male announcer (John Driscoll) is the primary announcer and the female announcer (Kate Higgins) is the battle commentator, the latter who also performed the pre-title sequence before the start of the game. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes is the first and currently the only game where the announcer is entirely female. You can see how she is below in a video on twitter. Using Felica model we see the purple haired psychic mutant playable as we see tabs show her off. Well at least mod them in as Psylocke is brought into the game. In a similar manner, the announcer in the latter game and Cable both are voiced by Lawrence Bayne in-game. Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 news as the players have decided to add an x man character.Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes and Marvel vs. They both are voiced by Tony Daniels, who also voiced the latter in Marvel vs. Street Fighter and Gambit both are voiced by the same voice actor in-game. Street Fighter and Marvel Super Heroes vs. The announcer is also known as the referee of the match. The game announcer signals the start and end of a match, among other things. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds, there are two announcers, one male and one female. Its exact tone often varies with (and sometimes within) the game and/or series. The game announcer is a disembodied voice. The Game Announcer, also known as the Ring Announcer, the Narrator, or simply the Announcer, is a voice that provides all of the game's commentary, and has been a main feature throughout the Marvel vs.